For the most part, filming is over, and we look forward now too editing. If we see that any shot doesn't fit with our current schematic, most likely we will film on Monday or Sunday, and possibly a blog on another reshooting day will go up on either of those days. So todays editing was mainly to focus on brining the whole project together, through just the diegetic and nondiegetic sounds, and the videos we shot, as well as any other type of sound effect necessary, will it be as coherent as we want it to be right now, not really. Coherency and main editing will mostly go down tomorrow.
Sounds used: Stabbing (
Song played during killing (
Jump scare (
eerie build up music (
Mozart (
Dogs barking (
Record scratch (
All such audio used in this project was and too my knowledge from the information provided, non copyright
Upon editing, I just decided to further myself and just go to bed very late editing all night, so here is just some progress of me editing, showing just the main process and steps it takes to edit.
Now up to this point, I have created at least a somewhat coherent film, but it will look sharply better and proficient tomorrow once more serious editing is put in place, so here is a rough video of the film opening.
As you can see there are some clear places that need to edited such as the scence where the killer is introduced, after the killing, and the last shot of the bulletin board. As well, not even all the audio has been implemented at this point. That's tomorrow's issue.
During the entirety of our editing process, I was the sole editor.
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