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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Elaborated planning for filming

Today in class we devised an outline and due dates for us to begin all the process for filming, editing, and creating mis en scene. Nico arrives back on 3/4, which makes the dates 3/5-3/8 essential for getting all background and planning done, along with finding the music essential for the project, with possible licensing, scores, and sound effects. Likewise, 3/9-3/10 all will serve for getting in practice shots as well as the assembling and finding of the perfect props and film sites. The dates of the final film shots will take place on weekends of the following weeks. Those being 3/16-3/17 and the first week of spring break  3/26. This will leave us with 3/27-31 of spring break along with the remaining dates until 4/6 to edit, revise, and prose and final touches. All this must take into account our limitations through Nico's college visits and Antonio's work schedule which varies widely.

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...and we're done

I want to thank the Cambridge program, especially anyone watching, and my teacher Mrs. Stoklosa for giving us this opportunity to spend coun...