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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Prop Production

The entirety of the blog will just be devoted to show prop material used for production, and the process, and final product. Here I show all the materials that were physically purchased for the project such as the killer for the mask in a sad figurine. Next to it is thin red tape, thumbtacks, and a bulletin board as they would be eventually used in the process of creating a "detective crazy wall" as they are called. This would emulate the killer plan for mapping out those he needs to kill and their specific locations, while at the same time providing leeway into this being a film opening, by showing their is more to this movie rather than one killing scence, their are a whole bunch of people the killer is seeking out, and this board provides that.
Next in the process, I had to look up old urban sprawls of maps from various cities in America, which is why the purple shows up so often, as it represents the large urban areas of these vast cities. However, it was the only result I could measure too, as it is quite difficult to find one city and paste it into this specific shape of a made up city. Hence I cut out all the maps and used glue to post all the cities together in one conglomerate.
Next I just found pictures off my friends Instagram's and printed them with their approval to be the theoretical future victims. They would just provide leeway into filling up the map. Likewise, the kid getting killed in the movie is up on the map and will see his image being scratched out as he dies, to show once again that this scene isn't just a killing, but an entire film.
Next, I just thumbtacks and glue to paste my friends pictures upon the board. Through this, I also pin pointed a center location in the map of the killers house. From that key center point, it extends to the other future victim's houses as the board is just a set up for the sprawl of locations to which he must travel.
Final touches were made to the board, with the addition of sticky notes. They were added in first intent to make the board look more casual. However I came up with a very good idea to just use the board to add easter eggs. From this, I also decided this would be great to add the tittles of the film and the opening credits. For example, the first note is just the title of the film. The second is an easter egg saying to take out the trash, or a metaphor for murder. The last one says Matthew 25:30, which is just a bible verse about death, which many films these days are using different varieties of bible verses to add that extra level of religion into the scary factor. The entirety of the sticky notes on the right are just credits which will be used in just a continuous role to provide the credits. However this was later changed as we needed to put final touches on credits. Lastly, I do want to reiterate how I was the sole person to create and purchase these props, not a single other soul.

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