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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Intro planning refinement and ending

After meeting with my teacher, some holes in the story were covered and refined to the point where i feel like we have a coherent story to give to the Aice program, for the film introduction. Like the introduction to the film opening. The clearest  way to present scene, would be throw a quick pan of the house from the outside, to then show a close up of the murderer cutting vegetables, to present the story as one of not horror yet. We also found out Beethoven isn't copyright as copy right laws can die off 70 years after an artist dies, which he is much far past this. Likewise, it is advisable to end this scene off in a manner in which there is a clear and present story coming from it, which can be continued upon. This was decided upon by us as a great and understandable idea from the teacher. Also exclaiming how showing an actual murder or with just effects could still not go well with the audience nor do we have much safety precautions or training to have such a scene. So the easiest way to show this would be a quick pan to the right as the jump scare occurs to not show the murder, and also can bring more continuation to the story if we provide a sort of board which shows an image of the town with push pins and strings coming out of them. This could also be furthered with images of those hes killed and waiting to kill, as the  murder crosses of the person hes just murdered; all such occurs as the credits roll pass.

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...and we're done

I want to thank the Cambridge program, especially anyone watching, and my teacher Mrs. Stoklosa for giving us this opportunity to spend coun...